September 19, 2013
by GM Interactive
Talk like a pirate day boards the GMi Galleon
Avast, yar, and me-hearties – all terms you will here today as Cap’n Lamb boards the salty sea dog that is GMi on “Talk Like a Pirate Day”.
Always ready to parlay, the crew at GMi are ready to sail the seven seas in search of treasure, be it walking planks safely in a SCORM, promoting your latest galleon or documenting the history of your shipping line. And fear not me hearties, it wont cost you too many dubloons…
First Mate Mark has some Canons, some Sonys and some Panasonics to shoot a broadside of vision, while Galley Chief Carl will slash and cut it together Avidly. Run up your Colours – we be ready for adventure.
in General News