9 Years today, Mark M celebrates another year with GMi!
9 years ago today GMi’s Mark Moore joined GMi’s ranks as our camera man in a day full of memories, shenanigans, and ultimately hypnosis. It was a day fondly remembered by all the staff here past and present. In that 9 years Mark has shown no desire to leave the good ship GMi (the hypnosis must of worked then… or possibly it has failed horribly) and has grown (quite literally!) with the business and helped it become one of WA’s best small production houses.
Originally Mark thought he would only be with us for a couple of years before moving back to Perth but when he discovered just how good the Southern Lifestyle is, there was no turning back. So instead we now find him not in some cramped newsroom in a city rushing for a deadline, but instead swanning around our great state filming all sorts of interesting things for us, and spending time with his wife and new son in a place he now certainly calls home.
Congratulations Mark, we’ll try and get rid of you next year, surely we will have found a way by then!