December 1, 2015
by GM Interactive
Wunderschlecht 2015! GMi enters the International Art scene.
2015 saw a new collaborative venture for GMi with the filming and production of Wunderschlecht! the making of a piece of international art in Germany.
Filmed in Berlin (world capital of pop art and music) at the invitation of Instinktiv Kreativ’s Steve Jahns, Carl ventured over to filmed the piece. With music by local Berlin artist Sascha Aviar from the Telekollegen crew – and help from Carlo, Phillip and the crew from Instiktiv, the production looks set to air on national TV and WEB in 2016 as part of a “Street Art” festival. Looking ahead to 2016-2017 and hopefully the success of this production will see us working on a lot more in the future.
Wunderschlecht is stricktly not a German word or phrase! Taking Wunder for “wonder” and Schlecht for “bad”, its literal translation is “Wonderfully Bad”. It is taking some time to convince the German residents that this should be a legitimate word – watch this space as it becomes part of pop culture through our T-Shirt and merchandising campaign!
Check out the video here: Wunderschlecht!
Check out the music here: Sascha Aviar feat. #INSTANTBONER – Pong Pang (Franco Bianco Remix)
And the artists at work here: Instinktiv Kreativ
A big shout out to all the crew in Berlin for making this possible!