WWF and the Quokka
GMi teams up with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) to search the southern forests for the elusive mainland Quokka.
The two Marks fresh from there end of year breaks started 2017 with some exciting new work with the World Wildlife Fund, radio monitoring Quokka numbers in the forests around our South West. Tip toeing through thick bush so as not to disturb any of the sensitive habitats or there occupants was quite feat while loaded up with camera gear. It was like being on location with Bear Grylls for a day!
We found evidence of Quokkas in the area but only came across a single animal in the end, and they are much more camera shy than their Rottnest Island cousins. But it was still a successful shoot and a good time was had by everyone involved. We encourage people to check out the important work being carried out by the WWF on Quokkas and their other projects.
You can see the work WWf do with the Quokka here:
If you would like more information on how we can bring your project or ideas to the screen please drop us a line!