Meet the Crew – Mark M
The third in our series of stories introducing the crew here at GMi, today we meet Mark, GMi’s Cameraman.
Prior to starting here at GMi I studied in Perth at the Western Australian School of Art Design and Media (WASADM) and, when I wasn’t in class, I was spending my spare time working with friends on short films or working as a cameraman for a couple of companies – also in Perth.
I came into the industry at the end of Beta SP and the dawn of digital acquisition, cutting my teeth on DVCAM and DVCPRO broadcast cameras. Picture quality aside one of the things I love about the continuous advance of digital technology is the fact it keeps getting lighter which, if you have ever had to run around with a SP Beta Camera on your shoulder for any length of time, is a great thing! That and battery life – I can shoot for hours now on a single battery. And… well there’s too many things to list why I love our current gen of cameras, and I look forward to what the next gen will bring. Especially in the smaller more mobile cameras like the GoPros.
I have been with GMi now for almost 8 years and have loved every minute of it. I’m looking forward to the next 8 and beyond with the guys and the toys I will get to take with me as I shoot around our great state. Be it underwater, on the ground, in the air, or into space GMi always gives me something unique to film, something to which I am ever thankful to the boys for letting me do – let alone paying me for it.